How can I access Microsoft Office for free?


All KCTCS students who are currently enrolled in a course are eligible to install the full version of Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus on up to 5 devices for free! 

This includes PC, Mac, Apple tablets and phones, and Android tablets and phones.  The software will continue to work as long as you are enrolled in at least one class at a KCTCS college. 

Get your discount now at

Install Office on your Apple or Android device

  1. Download the Office Mobile app from the app store.
  2. Open the app and sign in with your KCTCS student email and password.

For recent graduates:

Recent Graduates continue to have access through the end of the last term in the next calendar year after their enrollment.  That is, a student who enrolls in a term anytime this calendar year will continue to have access to Email and Student Self-Service through the end of Fall term next calendar year.

Recent Students are students whose enrollment ended. As long as they are eligible to enroll (are term activated), they will continue to have access through the term after enrollment ended.  

Students whose academic program is discontinued will not have access to email beyond the term in which they were enrolled.

  • Last Updated Apr 27, 2022
  • Views 135
  • Answered By Julie Howe

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